
My Jane Error

Facts: I love reading a good book. I am also a woman.

That being said, it is obvious that by now I have read a handful of famous influential womanly novels like Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Wuthering Heights and so on. Right? Not so. The other day I figured that, given the above facts, I would adore these books. So I tried. I really tried. One hundred and thirty-seven pages into Jane Eyre I coolly asked myself, "how many more pages do I have to endure?!"

That's where my mistake was. I cannot convince myself that I want to read and will enjoy those types of books--not right now at least. I'm just not that type of girl...yet.

Does this make me a bad person? No. Does this make me less attractive mentally and physically? Maybe. But that is a risk I am willing to take.

I am no Jane Eyre-er. Someday, maybe one hundred and thirty-seven days from now, Jane Eyre will be on my list. And I will love it. I will be influenced by it. And most importantly, I'll finally finish it and be able to say, "You're talking about Jane Eyre? I've read that."


JamesnMeagan said...

I hate them too!

Anonymous said...

"Does this make me less attractive mentally and physically?" I'd say probably not, unless 1) someone absolutely *loved* Jane Eyre and was turned off by your unwillingness to read it or 2) reading it somehow made you more attractive. ...

Hmm... What books could I read that would make me more physically attractive? ...

Anonymous said...

so i saw this hott girl wearing glasses the other day. I thought, i bet you she reads books. Quality books like Jane Eyre. Not stuff like the life of Pi.

Anonymous said...

We should start a brown person reading club.

Drea said...

MMMMM.....my influence an English teacher is obviously completely lost on you. However, and this secret needs to be ours alone, I really don't like Jane Austin either. Ugh they are slow and painful to read. However, the movies are quite deliteful. What does that say about me? lol