
A Rant and a Quiz

Bad movies. Everyone has been a victim. When I see one I try to remind myself that there are good movies out there--somewhere. I try to surround myself with people who have good taste in movies. I am much happier (or maybe I am just less irritated) when I am with them.

Anyway, in celebration of the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie coming out in July, I have made this small Quiz. Take it. Love it.

1. T/F: Somebody who has a Bolivian mother and a Wizard father is considered a Mudblov

2. Which is the correct way to sing the Harry Potter Theme song?
a. Bawchica wow wow
b. Sha LA LA la la la
c. Do DO do do DO DOO dooo do
d. None of the above

3. What does Ron Weasley think every time he sees Hermione Granger?
a. Bawchica wow wow
b. Sha LA LA la la la
c. Do DO do do DO DOO dooo
d. None of the above

4. Fill in the sentence that Harry says in every single book:
Lord_____is trying to______me!!!!!

5. Lord Voldemort also has a scar on his body. Where is it?
a. His Forehead
b. His knee
c. His heart
d. Somewhere that must not be named

Answers located on the Comments page


Sugar Bump

Disclaimer: This post is not about Phillip (even though the title may imply it)

In sixth grade a friend of mine named Vinnie told me that the small painful bumps that emerged on my tongue every once in a while were caused from eating too much sugar, and that they were called Sugar Bumps. My critical consumer skills were not as refined back then so I believed him and, since I am not in the mood to Google the term or the condition right now, I still believe it.

Today, I have a small painful little lump on my tongue. It. Is. Painful. I have a few ideas of how this particular lump came to be:

Ever since I moved out of my house I do my own grocery shopping and I am a budget grocery shopper. I try not to spend money on candies or good tasting fatty things that only cause temporary happiness. Every time I walk by the peanut butter isle, though, I cannot help but eyeball the Nutella jars. A small yellow sticker tells me that they are $3.49. A small voice in my head tells me to move on. I usually do. But last week I decided that I am no longer under my parents jurisdiction and that my money is my money and if I want nutella for breakfast for the next two weeks then I can have it.

This may be the cause of the sugar bump.

It could also be THIS website that I browse on a daily basis. The pictures are pretty potent and the recipes are remarkable. I am browsing this website more often than not. The potency might be a little much.

This could also be the cause of my sugar bump.

And, last but not least, I have been spending a lot of time with Phillip and he has really been so kind and so (here it comes) sweet. He is such a gentleman. I truly believe that his kindness and generosity could have caused my body to think that I was literally consuming sugar. He has also been making homemade ice-cream everyday since February.

That could be the cause of my sugar bump.


An Old Email

A sweet little boy who stole the hearts of my family's neighborhood passed away a few weeks ago. An old folder in my email box held this email that I wrote back in 2005. I'm glad it was still there. I was babysitting Brigham Reneer for my good friend Julie. I emailed this experience to a good friend who was far away at the time. When people ask me the most beautiful things I have seen or experienced in my life this is always the first thing I tell them.

I was babysitting Brigham who is 9 or 10 years old. He has hunters syndrome. He is the most remarkable most loving little boy I have ever met. Some things he did today really touched me. He was jumping on the trampoline while I was sitting in the green grass with his baby sister. He wanted their dog (Olive) to jump onto the trampoline with him. Olive is a BIG dog and looks like a pit-bull type mix. She looks like a big mean guard dog. Anyway, he kept calling her and calling her until finally she just jumped on the trampoline, and started to play with him. There he was, this fearless little boy on the trampoline with this huge dog, just playing and laughing. It was the most beautiful thing. It doesn't seem all that amazing, but for some reason it was. Maybe its just me.

My Jane Error

Facts: I love reading a good book. I am also a woman.

That being said, it is obvious that by now I have read a handful of famous influential womanly novels like Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Wuthering Heights and so on. Right? Not so. The other day I figured that, given the above facts, I would adore these books. So I tried. I really tried. One hundred and thirty-seven pages into Jane Eyre I coolly asked myself, "how many more pages do I have to endure?!"

That's where my mistake was. I cannot convince myself that I want to read and will enjoy those types of books--not right now at least. I'm just not that type of girl...yet.

Does this make me a bad person? No. Does this make me less attractive mentally and physically? Maybe. But that is a risk I am willing to take.

I am no Jane Eyre-er. Someday, maybe one hundred and thirty-seven days from now, Jane Eyre will be on my list. And I will love it. I will be influenced by it. And most importantly, I'll finally finish it and be able to say, "You're talking about Jane Eyre? I've read that."